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I am 26 will be 27 on August 11th Mii Name is Krystigous I dont do much reallii i think i am kinda boreing if u ask mehh...Hmm lemme see wuhht i can tell you bout mehh. I dont do much i am a family person who luves too spend tyme with her family. I also luv being mehh kuz dat wuhtt i do best . I lost mii mom on 4-23-10 ight was tha hardest tyme in mii lyfe. Mii mom was mii best friend she was mii world mii everiithyng an when i lost her i lost a big part of meh. I am not in skool or workin right now mii lyfe was an has alwaiiz been da waii mii mom wanted ight or da waii i wanted ight. Which means i went from taking care of kids too taking care of mii moms til we lost her. I am gonna be gettin mii lyfe tha waii mii mom alwaiiz wanted mehh to do which was goin for mii G.E.D then off too skool. An dats wuhtt i plan on doin. Til then i am juss triing too find miiself. Thats all i can saii if there is aniithyng else u want too knoe bout mehh juss ask....... But otha then all dat i juss said i am a nice kind hearted verii respectful person an i hate fuckin lyin ass people an i also hate fake ass people srrii ight juss tha waii i am if ther is aniithin else juss ask
Music: Aniithing dat intrests mehh an i also luv mii Native Music.
TV: Family Guy, Army Wives, South Park, The Boondocks, an more juss dont feel lyke nameing them all lol...
Books: Book Of Angelz by Sylvia Brown..
Sports: I lyke too shoot hoops with mii lil sis an i lyke too play foot ball with all mii brothers well brother an lil sis an nephews......
Interests: Anii thing dat interests mehh lol.....
BestFeatures: Mii Personality an i am shii...
Dreams: To meet new homiez an to break mii habit of being shii.

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