Stephanie P9


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    Didn't say
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    Didn't say
  • Has Kids:
    Didn't say


WARNING: If you add me and dont talk to me I WILL DELETE YOU also i dont want nasty usless messages from men .... if you send them dont expect to get a message back !!!!! Hey people im Stephanie and im 22. Im about 5'3 and skinny i have green eyes and my hair is a mahagony color
Music: everything
TV: You tell me *Wink*
Books: I absolutly love to read but my favs are science fiction, fantasy, and family drama.
Sports: To never have to depend on a male in my life !!! and to succeed !! And to find somoeon who loves me for me male or female!!!!
Movies: fantasy horror drama comedy all tha above
WhatImInto: Alot of different things ...... cars motorcycles music dancing partyin chillin with friends walks in the woods and tha list goes on lol
MyBestFeatures: You tell me *Wink*
MyDreams: To never have to depend on a male in my life !!! to succeed !! And to find somoeon who loves me for me male or female!!!!

What I am looking for

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